Uncategorized8-April-20222 minute read GoPro File Naming Convention Alright so you just purchased a GoPro, and started playing around with filming or taking photos. You have…
View on YouTube Tips...Tricks & Workarounds Uncategorized21-June-20231 minute read Enabling Gzip Compression Add to .htaccess file #Enables GZip<IfModule mod_deflate.c># Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fontsAddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascriptAddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE…
General Topics Uncategorized26-June-20232 minute read The Seasons of Change The season of change have come and gone, it’s now a world of new beginnings. I look back…
Resource Library Skydiving Uncategorized29-February-20167 minute read Choices, Choices: Pilot-Chute-In-Tow Malfunctions and You Curt Vogelsang captures some hot canopy-on-canopy action.Y’know when you don’t feel like getting out of bed in the…
Personal Thoughts Uncategorized4-May-20147 minute read Signs of being an Introvert 23 Signs You’re Secretly An Introvert The Huffington Post | By Carolyn Gregoire Think you can spot an…
Reconciliation Uncategorized21-October-20121 minute read The Struggle of Sin Last week as we were discussing the book “God’s Path to Sanity”, Father talked about a monk who…
Misc Uncategorized23-July-20232 minute read Weed and Feed Too much Weed & Feed can ruin the lawn. At the beginning of the summer our front lawn…
Uncategorized20-July-20231 minute read First Icon This was the first icon I have written using egg tempura. We had a week to complete the…
Uncategorized17-July-20101 minute read Many Paths, One Destination Four traveling companions, one Persian, one Arab, one Greek and one Turk, became hungry. With just a coin…
Myth Uncategorized13-June-20107 minute read The Great Flood – Fact or Fiction? Myth, Science or Religious in origin I did a quick link to a post of the Cheyenne telling a story of a great flood…